The one and
only card

The one and only card

by CardMaster

How to get ONE?

by CardMaster

Order Online

Select the type of card you want to order, fill the simple online form and place your order

Order Now

Activate on Mobile App

After your card will be shipped to you, download ONE Application and go through the fast activation process



Now you can start using ONE – your one and an only card with 0% commissions


Contactless payment

Left your card at home

Manage your
finance everywhere

All you need is on your phone

No robots in
support centers

Human Only support

Eleanor Pena

“Once I ordered ONE and activated it, I don’t want to use my old-fashion cards. I was really surprised with this easy to use app and 0% commissions”

Eleanor Pena

“Once I ordered ONE and activated it, I don’t want to use my old-fashion cards. I was really surprised with this easy to use app and 0% commissions”


Average Customer’s Rate


Average Customer’s Rate



On every transaction, on every withdrawal, and basically everywhere!!!

Order Card

Select the type of card


This webpage was created by Mark Altytsia as a showcase project, no user data is collected or stored.

I’m a Product Designer from Ukraine, with the side experience at Motion Design and Web Development. You can review the rest of my works on Dribbble